StarCraft Remastered Announced

Rumors have been going around that Blizzard was thinking of remastering one of their earlier strategy games, but many signs pointed towards an entry in the WarCraft franchise instead. This was because we've just had 3 StarCraft games over the past decade and, outside of World of WarCraft expansions, the last real-time strategy WarCraft game came out in 2003. It's possible that Blizzard decided to go with the game that is still popular with South Koreans and are still playing in their PC Bangs.

Another reason could be that the original StarCraft doesn't work with the Blizzard App, meaning that players would have to connect to each other on their own servers instead of using Blizzard's. This could make it more convenient for players to play online with each other. Speaking of the original StarCraft, Blizzard will be releasing it for free by the end of this week. I've personally never gotten myself a copy of both StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood Wars so I'm pretty excited to get a copy of it to play.
